About Me



I am the founder and president of Code Reddy Inc., a software consultancy corporation. My clients have included Linden Lab, where I worked on improvements to the Second Life viewer.

Previously, I was an engineering manager in the R&D department of The Bakery, a startup animation studio located in the south of France, just outside Marseille. Before that, I was lead engineering within the software development department at Pixar Animation Studios, developing new software solutions for Pixar's movies.

You can view my IMDB Page to see the films that I have worked on.

Before that, I worked at SRI International in the area of network-based terrain visualization. I've published work in the areas of level of detail, visual perception, geographic vizualization, and web-based computer graphics.

I have published two books, called "Level of Detail for 3D Graphics" and "API Design for C++."

I gained my B.Sc. from the University of Strathclyde and my Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). I have been on the organizing and program committees for various international conferences, served for two years on the Board of Directors of the Web3D Consortium, and was chair of the GeoVRML Working Group.


I grew up in a small fishing town in the north of Scotland. I lived in San Francisco, California, for 11 years, then in the south of France for most a year. I now live in Ireland. One of my biggest passions these days is travel; I love to get out and experience new parts of the world.

In my younger days, I spent over 10 years doing various martial arts; principally WTF Taekwon-Do and Tukido. I hold a black belt (1st Dan) and four British Tukido Championships gold medals, as well as various regional titles. I was awarded a Full Blues from Strathclyde University for these sporting achievements.

I have always had a passion for flying and when I was a teenager I gained my glider pilot's wings (I was a sergeant in the Air Training Corps and had planned to fly Lynx helicopters for the Royal Navy before going to university). The pinnacle was to fly a Hunter fast jet down the valleys of Loch Ness, and to follow this up with some aeros pulling over 5G.

Many years ago now, I wrote various public domain and shareware programs. My major product was the EdWord Professional text editor for the Amiga. I also wrote a little version of Mine Sweeper for the Amiga, and a 3D version for the SGI. You can find out more about these from my Projects page.